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逃出飘雪的屋子 (逃出飘雪的屋子)

出自:网友推荐 点击:15396 发布:2006-02-25 文件大小:2.09M
原名from heaven to hell ,即从地狱到天堂 ,作者:Michael Ray
游戏下载后鼠标右键选择播放,然后按中间的按钮才能进入游戏界面。 Author's comments:

After many months of work, as i promised in the preview I'd like to introduce the beging of the series From Heaven to Hell the cries of lost souls. A 1st person view 360' game where you can move around rooms and do many other things. A dream of mine has finnaly come true. The game seems to take part as SH4 but is differnt. Now, as I havnt seen ANY good 1st person view in flash. Let me introduce...


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