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火龙帝国 (火龙帝国)

出自:网友推荐 点击:3990 发布:2005-11-06 文件大小:745.09K

非常精美的战斗游戏。进去之后第二次下载,需要刷新一下才可以继续。 he kegend of Dragon contirnes in the exciting DRAGONS METAL AGES game: ODAKU INVASION. With your favorite dragon. fly over hostile ODAKU territories in your search for SCYLA's dungeon to free your captured comrade Princess KYRA. Collect mystical Dragon Krystal which will enhance your powers and give you the strength to defeat the ODAKU enemies. Ultimately, you must go up against the evil dragon STENDHAL and bring peace to the realm once more. Do you have the mattle to fight victories in the METAL AGES?
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