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Abandoned Pankow Schwimmhalle Escape

From:eightgames Plays:2624 Publish:2016-06-03 Size:4.39M
Abandoned Schwimmhalle

  As I was a good photographer, I tried to take photography of the Pankow Schwimmhalle, an indoor swimming pool complex with one big pool, one little and a sauna in Berlin, Germany. There is a fair bit of broken glass around, and parts of it are quite dangerous for little people. As soon as I entered into that old building, I took a snap of that swimming pool. Unfortunately, an insect came near and bit on my forehead. With that force I was fainted and locked the door without knowing myself. After I waked found that the door was locked outside and I can not get out of it. Can you please help me to Escape from the Abandoned Pankow Schwimmhalle by solving the puzzles and finding the related objects.

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