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Escape The Pig

From:avmgames Plays:2527 Publish:2018-09-18 Size:2.60M

You like eating pork, but you also like pigs alive and well. And as much as possible, you don't want to see a pig turning into pork...! There was a farm near your friend's house. During his free time, your friend would go there and help out the owner. The owner really liked having your friend around. There were just some chores he was finding hard to perform. But your friend was always ready to help. One of his best friends on the farm was a pig. He witnessed the pig grow. And during his free time, he let the pig out so that the animal could explore the farm. Your friend just always made sure to seal all the exits. If ever the pig made it through his barriers, he would tackle the animal. And then he would bring the pig back to the hog pen. Your friend found this kind of thing fun, and so he invited you to join him. You were tired of the city and therefore excited to experience farm life. There you saw your friend's pig pal and even played with the animal. However, the pig passed through the barrier once more. You don't know what to do, but you just have to find the pig

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